Friday, September 02, 2005

Blame... blame... blame!!!!

Everyone is standing around shaking their head blaming others.

democrat's are blaming republicans. Republicans are blaming democrat's.

States are blaming the federal government. The Feds are blaming a lack of funding.

The newsmedia is blaming the government saying no one is informed or has food and water.

Idiot chicken littles are blaming the scientifically unproven global warming.

Let me give everyone a some advice: SHUT UP AND START HELPING!

Proverbs 14:23 "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."

Use your stupid news media helicopters to drop in bottled water or SHUT UP!

Hey stupid newsmedia, buy a bull horn and start telling the people stranded what to do, where to go, and that help is coming. Give them hope.

Take your boat or bus down to New Orleans and help or SHUT UP!

Everyone is standing around pointing fingers instead of getting off their back sides and helping.

And who is helping? Who is getting the job done? Faith based missions with the donations of private industry and individuals. They are the ones who always save the day. Evil Walmart just donated 15 million. Salvation Army is feeding tens of thousands with donations from millions.

Make a difference. Stop blaming others for not doing something and chip in more. Do more yourself. If we really care we will give until it hurts.

The government can't handle it. The UN can't do it. The State can't do it.

"We the people" must do it. Stop pointing fingers and rise up and help!

Give to...

International Disaster Emergency Service

Go here:

IDES ~ PO Box 60, Kempton, Indiana 46049-0060 ~ (765) 947-5100 ~