Thursday, August 03, 2006

What a sick world we live in.

Phillip Distasio claims he has the right to have sex with boys under 13

Several people predicted it would happen and now it has. They said when the Supreme Court said that the (implied but not stated) right to privacy supposedly in the Constitution gives homosexuals the right to sodomize each other in the privacy of their own bedrooms, that the pedophiles would demand their right to sodomize children next. And now they are. Click here to read about it

In a society that allows sex between teens on a regular basis and legitimizes it by handing out condoms, surely they can’t condemn two young boys from sodomizing each other can it? And if teens can, then why can’t men have sex with boys? If the Bible is not the ultimate source of morality and there is no right and wrong, then how is pedophilia wrong? We all know it's wrong. OR most of us do. But what is the proof or standard of morality if not the Bible? We have become adrift on a raging sea of opinion in a storm of evil desires.

99.9% of people know in their heart and mind from deep down in their soul that it is wrong. God wrote it there into us. (Romans 2:15) Only those with warped consciences and depraved minds (Romans 1:28) would deny the absolute evil of anal sex with anyone much less minors. Only those sexually perverted by molestation, raped, or warped by pornography have the callused hearts to accept homosexual sex. Only a Godless society governed by lust would accept such behavior (Romans 1:26-27).

When some federal judges gave homosexuals the right to marry, many said it wouldn’t be long until the pedophiles would want to marry a small boy. It won’t belong until the person in to bestiality (sex with animals) will want to marry a dog or lamb or something. Look for that next.

Without God we have totally lost our way as a nation. Other nations have done so in the past and serve as an example of our impending doom. (Jude 1:7) It’s not to late to repent and find forgiveness.

Ephesians 5:6-7 “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partakers with them.”

Read more by clicking here