Friday, May 20, 2005

Was Jesus a Sith Lord?

I am sorry I have not had a post everyday lately. I have not had any time for the blog. I noticed we have had a bunch of new hits. I am not sure where all you visitors are coming from but it sure is nice to have you drop by. I know many of you have emailed and said you would tell your friends about the site. Thank you.

I did see the latest Star Wars movie. It was the biggest movie opening in history. As many of you know, I am a big fan. I really thought it was one of the better Star Wars films. There was only one spot I didn’t care for. I was sorry to see the characterization of "relativism" as good and moral absolutes as evil at one small part of the movie. Obiwan says something like "only sith believe in absolutes" or something stupid like that. Without absolutes there is no truth. Without absolutes there is no right or wrong. Without absolutes there is no light or dark side. It's such a philosophical contradiction, but it is the dominant philosophical dogma of the day. I guess I could go back to being a Buck Rodgers fan like the 2nd grade..... Naaaaa!

John 8:31-32 says, "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Jesus believed in absolutes. Does that make him a Sith?

By George Lucas's definition, anyone who speaks in absolutes is a Sith Lord, Jesus must be Sith Lord. And so am I. Moral relativism never lasts as a pervading philosophy of a culture for long because the people either see the internal philosophical contradiction and repent or they self-destruct in lawless chaos. I am sad that George Lucas had to put that empty philosophy in an otherwise good fantasy film.