Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Children banned from public places

There is an increasing tendency for businesses to ban children. Go here to read more.

They blame children for being unruly, disruptive and out of control. Children are not allowed, they say. But a child’s actions are not the result of their own mature choices but rather a demonstration of their parent’s skills at discipline. It is the parent’s responsibility to teach children to behave. Now my child can’t go some places because other people couldn’t keep their kids under control.

You have seen them in the Wal-Mart or a restaurant. We have seen the parent with the out of control child. We noticed the parent berating and yelling at a child with empty threats or the sad gloomy face of a parent who had resigned themselves to just endure incessant cries of the child’s temper tantrum. Neither has a firm and loving response to the out of control behavior. We have seen the parent who neglected to discipline and so the child continually acts up in public to the point the parent’s anger finally motivates them to vengeance rather than an appropriate from of discipline. This only angers the child and enflames the situation. We have seen the kids that the above article is talking about.

Today parents don’t take responsibility for their child’s behavior. If a child acts up it’s never the child’s fault. It’s never the parents fault. It must be society. It must be other people’s fault. It’s not the child’s fault. It’s the teacher. It’s the school. It’s the other kids influencing them. It’s Attention Deficit Disorder. It’s that the child is spirited. It is because of anyone and anything but the real problem, the primary care givers. No one will admit the truth that it is the parents fault.
Parenting and discipline is not a mystery. It’s not an unattainable goal. It’s not magic. It’s not out of reach. It doesn’t take strong mood altering drugs. Good parenting and discipline are a lost art because the parent has to take the responsibility. It’s an elusive virtue in society because it’s hard work. It’s out of the reach of some because they have bought into the empty philosophies of this age, like never spank a child. It’s rare because it’s a team effort that takes both parents and half the kids are coming from split homes with one parent who has to work all the time. Children are hurt by being raised without married parents.

Now children are despised and banned from public places because they have become such a nuisance. They have no respect for parents or anyone in authority. They are rude, whinny, selfish, unstable, unteachable, ungrateful, immature, under disciplined, and over indulged. They have had all the “facts of life” shoved in their face on television and in movies without ever learning self-control or decency. We are raising a self-centered, obnoxious and lewd generation.

2 Timothy 3:1-4 says, “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.”

The solution is not to ban children from public. We should return to wisdom and start reading what the Scriptures have to say about good parenting.

Go here to buy a great book on how to train children based on Biblical principles.