Friday, August 04, 2006

Does a hot day = Global warming?

Why should I believe in Global warming? Because it's hot out in the summer time? It always is. If Global warming is heating things up due to pollution, then why was the hottest summer in U.S. history in 1930 when pollution was much less? See proof Click here for proof. We have not set any record highs this summer but we did set some record lows last winter. Click here for proof.

And while we are having a warm summer (as usual) South Africa is having freakishly cold weather with snow fall for the first time in 25 years. Click here to see proof. Johannesburg last had snow on September 11, 1981. So much for global warming.

The popular scare tactic of global warming was epitomized in the movie WATER WORLD . It says the polar ice caps will melt and the whole world will be flooded and covered with water. But God says, in Genesis 9:11 "I will establish my covenant with you: all flesh will not be cut off any more by the waters of the flood, neither will there ever again be a flood to destroy the earth."

How is all the ice floating on the polar caps ever going to melt and raise sea levels? Ice takes up more space than water. If the polar ice caps melted the sea levels would not go up. Granted some of the polar ice cap is on land but most of it is floating in the water.

Take glass and fill it with ice, then fill the rest of the glass with water. Take a marker and mark where the top of the water is. Then let it sit until the ice melts. You will notice that he water level does not go up because when ice freezes it takes up more space then when in water form. If the ice caps melt the ocean levels will not raise. Sorry no more worldwide floods folks!

Al Gore's unpopular movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is full of lies and exaggerations by Gore's own admission. Gore told Grist Magazine about global warming: "I believe it is appropriate to have an overrepresentation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience." In other words, lie about stuff so they will believe it. And that is what his movie is full of. But exaggeration is not new to the man who personally invented the internet.

What’s worse is the news media acts like Gore’s movie is true as well. They lie and say scientists agree with his movie. Click here to read how AP new wrongly claims scientists praise Gore's movie.

Why should I believe in a massive climate change when God said in Genesis 8:22 that "While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." The seasons will not be stopped by man. If we just read the Bible we could see through all these lies.

Pat Robertson said he believe in global warming on Thrusday. If only Pat Robinson read the Bible rather than listening to his own false prophecies. There will always be false prophets saying what ever the people want to hear. Who will you believe ....God who says no world wide flood or Pat Robinson who says the polar ice caps will melt and flood the earth?

Read more click here or here or here.

Watch some cool videos on the subject