Thursday, October 19, 2006


Genesis 9:7 "As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."

The U.S. population surpassed 300,000,000 this week according to government estimates. (click here) This milestone came with the expected calls for reducing population growth as if the world is over crowded.

But is the world overpopulated? Are there too many people on earth to sustain human life? In 1970 at the very first Earth Day, Paul Ehrlich's 1968 bestseller, The Population Bomb, was quoted again and again. In his book, Ehrlich predicted that over population would lead to world famine, the death of the oceans, a reduction in life expectancy to 42 years, and Midwest would be turned into a vast desert by 1985. Opps!

When will the earth be full? They call that carrying capacity. Some say we are already over populated. Others say we are not even close. Let me just share this fact. There are 6 billion people living on planet earth. If they stood side by side they could fit inside the city limits of Jacksonville, Florida, which has an area of 25,000,000,000 square feet! Take 25,000,000,000, divided by 6,000,000,000, you get 4.16 square feet per person! The world is much bigger than Jacksonville, so overcrowding can't be a problem! If one only leaves the big city and travels out through the Western United States you will realize there are million upon million of acres unsettled land in this world.

Environmental wackos who worship the earth and don't value human life use the overpopulation myth to hinder their agenda to stop industrial development and kill human babies. The Bible teaches stewardship of earths resources. The earth is here for man's use but he needs to conserve resources so the are replenished. We are to use it but also take care of it and not abuse it. That is the Bible teaching.

However, radical nature worshipers would kill humans before the harm a tree. They believe the overpopulation myth used to justify murder. They would kill a baby (46 Million of them) in it's mothers womb before they killed a cow to eat. We murder babies based on the lie of the overpopulation myth. At least those who believe the myth are not reproducing.

Learn how the UN predicts an end to population growth by the year 2200. Click here