Friday, October 13, 2006


How Does This Happen? Click on the Pic.

Why is this Ferrari cut in half? Is this Ferrari's fault? You'd think for all that money they'd know how to make a nice car. Oh wait. "It was a nice car", you say. Well then why does it look like this? Oh "it's not Ferrari's fault", you say. "They built a nice car but some crack head got drunk, drove it into a truck and hit a guard rail.? The problem was not that the car was not good, it's just the driver had the "free will" to choose to drive drunk and wrecked the car.

That is kind of like sickness, death, crime or say AIDS. It's not that God created a bad world. Sickness, death and suffering are not a sign of no God. They are evidence that God has given us freewill to choose good or evil and we have to deal with the consequences of those choices. Aids is not God's punishment on sexual sin any more than wrecking your car and dying are God's punishment on Drunk drivers. It's just the natural consequence of evil behavior. The pentalty of thier sin is to recieve the natural consquences. I get it.

If you do drugs it will destroy your health. Smoke and you'll probably get lung cancer. Drink and Drive and you'll probably wreck. Be sexually immoral and you'll get some funky disease. Sin brings death. And because Jesus loves us so much he died in our place to free us from the consequences of our selfish and evil behavior. The pentalty of sin is death. The gift of Jesus is eternal life.

Romans 1:27 "In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

If you take Cyanide and die don't blame God. It's the result of your actions. If mankind sins and brings death in the world, we can't blame God for what we chose to do. It's not like he didn't warn us.

Want to know more? Click here to learn about the riddle of Epicurus.