Thursday, June 30, 2005

Should I Fear God or Not?

Question: 1 Peter 2:17 “Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.” This verse tells us to fear God. 1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” Now this verse says I shouldn’t fear God, because perfect love casts out all fear. Should I fear God, or not?

Answer: Excellent question! I could try to explain how these two verses have different endings on the same root word for “fear” and this gives implication toward the meaning. I could have a long discussion on how the same word can have different meanings depending upon the context. However, the best way I know how to explain this is an illustration from my childhood.

I had a very loving father, who was (as all loving fathers are) a strong disciplinarian. Normally, he would wrestle with me on the floor, tickle me and be very loving. I have many fond memories of my affectionate father. He would put me on his lap and talk with me regularly. He would play with me on my hot wheel tracks. Normally, I had no fear in his presence.

If I woke from a bad dream, as a young boy, I would get up and run through the darkness of the hallway down to my parents’ room. I would jump in bed with them and feel safe and secure. There was no place of greater love and security to a scared little boy, than with both my parents. Why? Because I knew they loved me and would protect me. My trust in their love cast out all fear.

The only time I had to fear Dad was when I had disobeyed him or had done something I knew I should not have done. If my brothers, sisters or I were acting bad, he would look sternly at us and grab his belt buckle. In a flash, all inappropriate behavior would stop. We feared his belt. We feared him, but only when we had done wrong. In that way, we had a healthy fear and respect for him. It often kept us from doing the wrong thing.

Discipline creates a respectful fear of the one in authority. Hebrews 12:9 says, “We have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!” I respected my father because, when I was bad, he disciplined me. Likewise, it is wise to fear God and respect His discipline.

Therefore, we should fear God today, in that, we have healthy respect for His wrath on the unrepentant. However, in His grace and covered by His blood, His love casts out all our fears. We should run to His loving arms when afraid, and let his love drive our fears away. But if we are sinning, we should fear God and turn back to His grace in repentance.

Are you repentant and living in God’s grace? Then trust in His perfect love, and let it cast away all your fears. Let the love of God perfect you. Are you considering sinning and rebelling against God? Then be afraid. Be very afraid!