Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Bible For Dummies

Have you heard about what the Anglican Church is doing to the Bible?

"LONDON (AFP) - Business folk are used to reading executive summaries of important documents, and now would-be Christians are to have the same privilege, in the form of a chopped-down Bible that can be read in under two hours.

A Church of England vicar was on Wednesday unveiling his self-styled "100-Minute Bible", an ultra-condensed edition of the Christian holy book which claims to neatly summarize every teaching from the Creation to the Revelation.

The Reverend Michael Hinton was launching his work at Canterbury Cathedral in southern England, the headquarters of the Anglican Church. Publishers the 100-Minute Press say the book has been written for those who want to know more about Christianity but who do not have the time to read the original in full."

The problem with the 100-minute Bible will be the same as the problems with creeds of old. When ever anyone tries to boil down and condense God's word, they inevitably leave something important out.

When men alter the word, they will "summarize" it until it says what they want. The only way to know the will of God is to read the Bible and understand it in it's entirety. This 100-minute Bible will clearly show the prejudices of the theological beliefs of it's authors rather than be a true representation of the will of God revealed through inspired authors.

If God's will could have be boiled down to 100 minutes, God would have aready done that. Evidently every word in the Bible is important because the Bible ends by saying.....

Revelation 22:18-19 "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book."

Taking words away from the Bible might not be a good idea in light of the above final warning from Jesus at the end of the Scriptures. Look, if you are to busy to read the Bible, you are just too busy. This is not just some other book. This is the Word of God!

If you don't make time to find out God's will and how to receive the gift of eternal life, you have a serious priority problem. Anyone looking for the "quick and easy way" to build faith and follow God will NEVER find him because he calls us to "pick up your cross daily and follow me." The cross is not quick and easy and neither is the road to spiritual growth. People who need a 100-minute Bible might want to pick up the other book they are sure to need, "A New Comers Guide to Hell."