Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Surrounded by what could give life

One of the many who died climbing Mt. Everest on May 11th, 1996 was Andy Harris, one of the expedition leaders. He reached the peak, but he stayed past the deadline and on his descent, he was in need of oxygen.

Harris radioed base camp, alerting them to the crisis. He told them that he saw all kinds of empty air canisters in the snow around him.

Those who had already made their descent knew that the canisters were NOT empty, some were nearly full. The climbers dropped them since they didn’t need the oxygen and the canisters were just extra weight as they came down the mountain.

With his mind starved for oxygen, Harris mistakenly assumed the canisters to be useless. Regretfully, Harris died surrounded by the oxygen he needed as he heroically tried to go back up the mountin and save another climber, Rob Hall. Andy died surrounded by what could give him life.

Jesus said in John 6:63, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.”

Bibles are everywhere. The Bible is the number one best seller of all time. Most homes in America have multiple copies. You can purchase them for very little money. Dozens of organizations give them out for free. There is a copy in every hotel room. They have them in prisons, libraries, and book stores. We are surrounded by the Word of God which gives life.

Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing the message and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.”

Andy Harris didn’t realize the canisters all around him contained the life giving oxygen he needed. Similarly, millions today do not realize the Bible contains the life giving Word of Christ which produces saving faith in our hearts. Their minds are clouded with unbelief. Sadly many in America today die unsaved while surrounded by what could give them life, the Word of Christ.

Tell someone today how Jesus loves them, died on the cross to forgive them, and longs to have a relationship with them.

Learn more about the power of the Scriptures by clicking here.