Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Presidential Candidates on Abortion.

Partial Birth Abortion is when a baby late in the pregnancy is pulled out of the womb by the feet so it’s not completely born and thus cannot have the rights of a born child of the same age, and a needle is inserted into the head still in the womb and they suck its brains out while it wiggles and writhes in pain. It’s murder.

Below are pictures of partial birth abortion which the Supreme Court said that congress has the right to outlaw and the reactions of several presidential candidates.

Hillary Clinton calls outlawing the purposeful killing you see in the above picture an “erosion of our constitutional rights.

Barack Obama says “I strongly disagree with today’s Supreme Court ruling” which said it was not unconstitutional to outlaw what you see in the picture above.

When the Supreme Court let stand the ban on what you see in the picture above John Edwards said, “I could not disagree more strongly with today's Supreme Court decision.”

These candidates all keep saying that this law is unconstitutional because it makes no exception for women who's lives are in danger because of the pregnancy. (As if that makes any difference constitutionally) They neglect to point out, however, that this procedure is partial BIRTH and is actually more evasive and dangerous than a c-section birth, which would save the baby too. They never point out that at the age when partial birth abortion happens, the child is viable outside the womb with today’s technology.

If the woman’s life is in danger they could just as easily protect her life and the child’s life by performing a c-section so the child lives rather than just sucking it's brains out. Partial birth abortion is the wanton killing of wanted children for profit who could be quickly adopted and loved by other couples if the mother did not want to raise the child.

The reason the above candidates wanted the exception for cases that present a "danger" to the life of the mother is they know that abortion doctors who make that judgment call would be able to use that excuse on anyone in any circumstance and this barbaric practice which they hold up as a constitutional right would continue totally unabated.

The terrifying fact is that major presidential candidates such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards believe what you see below is a good thing, a woman’s right and should be legal....

Ezekiel 36:18 “So I poured out my wrath on them because they had shed blood in the land”