Thursday, March 15, 2007

What is your definition of tolerance?

Click on the pic to read about some parents who used modern tolerance on their child

I have had an anonymous poster on my website lately making all kinds of slanderous accusations and railing against me. Her main point is that I am intolerant of other religions. So I thought I would share my response to her with you.

Am I intolerant? It depends on your definition of tolerance.

If by tolerance you mean that I will not outlaw others religion, yes I am tolerant.

If by tolerance you mean I am not going to attack, kill, or show impartiality under the law toward people of other religions, yes I am tolerant.

If by tolerance you mean I want people of other religions to have free speech rights, yes I am tolerant.

If by tolerance you mean I will not agree with their religion but tolerate its existence, yes I am tolerant.

The above statements are the traditional meaning of tolerance. Tolerance means you allow to exist that which you don't like or believe. It does not mean you accept it or say it is true. It doesn't mean you don't point out it's falsehoods.

But the definition of tolerance today is being changed and warped by inconsistent hypocrites who don't follow their own philosophy. (It's funny to see someone tell me how wrong I am for saying someone was wrong)

You see, if by tolerance you mean I will not say that someone’s religion is wrong when it clearly is, then no I will never be tolerant (any more than you are being tolerant of my beliefs which you think are wrong.. you Hypocrite).

If by tolerance you mean that I except all religion as truth and say every religion is as good as another, then no I am not tolerant. (by your warped definition)

You don't even know what tolerance means. Your tolerance is nothing more than acceptance of lies and falsehood. Your are saying religions that contradict each other are both right. And that is illogical and moronic. That is emotionalism. That is not using your brain. That makes a mockery of God who is logical. That makes empty sentimentalism and/or vain human traditions religion, rather than worship and submission to the ONE TRUE GOD. I reject your "feel good" "everyone is ok" religion with all my being.

As for other religions, I will continue to show where they are wrong and serve them in love hoping they will come to know the liberating nature of spiritual truth, who is Jesus Christ.

Jude 1:3 Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.