Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Should we vote for baby killers?

Praise God that the Supreme Court upheld the nationwide ban on the partial birth abortion procedure Wednesday, handing abortion opponents the long- awaited victory they expected from a more conservative bench. Too bad that is only 10% of abortions in the US. (Click here to read more.)

Now we just need judges who will ban the whole barbaric practice all together. When Bush narrowly won the presidency in 2000 and 2004, it turned the tide of the kind of judges on the bench. Thank God Bush won and put in men who would take a stand against this evil practice. We need more of them. If a pro-abortion president is elected in the next election it will put a stop to this trend. We cannot have another pro-abortion president. Christians must take a stand.

That is why I WILL NOT vote for Giuliani or other liberals who are pro-abortion. I don't care how strong they are on terrorism or how conservative they are on economics, I WILL NOT vote for a baby killer. God will not bless us as a nation no matter how many tax cuts we get nor how tough we are on terrorists if we keep killing our unborn children.

I will only vote for candidates who will take a stand against the killing of innocent children. Abortion is murder and I will never support it with my vote.