Sunday, March 04, 2007


This week James Cameron, producer of “the Titanic,” will announce a documentary to be shown on March 4th on the Discovery Channel on “The Lost Tomb of Jesus”.

It was found in 1980. The Talpiot Tombs allegedly bear the names of Jesus, Mary, Matthew, Joseph, Mary Magdalene and Judah, the son of Jesus. So, get ready for some laughable assumptions.

Instead of Jesus rising from the dead supposedly He married Mary Magdalene and had a son named Judah. Cameron says, “It doesn’t get bigger than this. We’ve done our homework. We’ve made the case, and now its time for the debate to begin.” Jimmy, the debate started almost two thousand years ago.

1. The original discoverers who found it in 1980 totally rejected that they had found any significant find relating to Jesus. It took new oportunistic retailers of a documentary to make it big news and a project for greed.

2. The time period for that type of tomb was determined to be over a 600 year period!!! (538 BC – 70 AD) That opens up even greater possibilities for any coincidental mentioning of similar family names. There would be a lot more people named Mary, Joseph and Jesus in 600 years than in 70 years.

3. The tomb is much too elaborate as it belonged to an upper middle-class family of Jerusalem – not peasants from Nazareth.

4. The writings are not done by the same person, nor even in the same language (Greek and Aramaic) and since they were written in different languages and by a different person, the deceased persons could have been centuries apart and totally unknown to some of them whose bone box was buried there.

5. The names that appear are variants from Biblical texts. Most scholars don't even think it is the name Jesus on the box. Also, Mariamene E Mara is not the name of Mary Magdalene in any of the Gospel accounts.

6. The names of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were common in that day. Even today on any given Sunday I know 6 Mary’s in the congregation. A few years ago I could look out in a congregation of 130 and see Mary Sue, Mary Magdalene, Mary Kay, Mary Ann, Mary Renee, Mary Ellen, Mary Pauline and just plain Mary. There are 5 Mary’s in the New Testament and 12 Joseph’s in the Bible!!! Imagine how many Mary and Joseph’s there could have been at that time since these names were commonly used in that day!

7. The disinterested retailers have done DNA and compared it to the other recent finds called “The James Tomb”. It was a hoax. The forger is on trial at this time. So they unwittingly have connected their find to a renowned hoax. One wit said, “Finding James, the son of Joseph and brother of Jesus in Jerusalem was comparable to finding Sean (Shawn), the son of Ryan, the brother of Patrick in Dublin.” Perhaps they should do DNA on the Shroud of Turin and connect it to another hoax.

8. The ossuary is rejected as Jesus’ tomb by scholars that are atheists, Jews, Muslims, and Christians. It is one of the few things the four groups have agreed on about Jesus.

9. The opportunistic retailers of the hoax reject the archeologists, historians, DNA experts, statisticians anthropologists, language experts who have testified “The Tomb of Jesus” is “a hoax,” “nonsense”, “a mockery of archeological profession”, “improbable”, “a publicity stunt”, “pimping on the Bible”.

They pick and choose their witnesses and with a 3.5 million-dollar budget it may not have been hard to find witnesses to sell their professional integrity.

James Cameron & Company Assumes:

- That the name is Jesus’ - this is disputed by many who believe that is not even the name on the bone box.

- That the name is Mary Magdalene’s. This is denied by Scholars who think it is more likely Martha!

- That it was Joseph because an abbreviated name for Joseph was used.

- This is the Apostle Matthew even though he was martyred in Ethiopia. Jesus did not have a brother named Matthew.

- The tomb was between 0–70 AD when it could have been earlier anywhere from The Second Temple Era.

- That the alleged Jesus in the tomb was married to the alleged Mary Magdalene in the tomb.

- Judah was the assumed Mary Magdalene’s son.

- That poor people from Nazareth would be buried in an upper middle-class tomb in Jerusalem.

- That the statistics of likelihood of it being Jesus Christ are valuable insights but the estimate of the population is greatly underestimated making the statistics in favor of their theory an absurdity. When one extends it to back a couple of centuries, the alleged statistics of probability is ludicrous.

- The above article was written and emailed to me by a loyal reader and I thought I would share it with you all. To read more about what a blatant hoax this documentary is please click here.
I'll give you ten reasons to believe in the empty tomb and the resurrected Jesus. Click on the ten links to ten videos giving reason to believe in resurrection below