Tuesday, May 08, 2007

King Herod's tomb may have been found

The Bible is written in historical context about actual people and places. An Israeli archaeologist on Tuesday (May 8th, 2007) said he has found remnants of the tomb of King Herod, the legendary builder of ancient Jerusalem, on a flattened hilltop in the Judean Desert where the biblical monarch built a palace.

There were three king Herods mentioned in the Bible. A Grandfather, father and son who ruled from the time of Jesus birth until some years after he raised from the dead. This tomb is from the last of the three Herods who became ruler of the Holy Land under the Romans around 40 B.C.

Stephen Pfann, an expert in the Second Temple period at the University of the Holy Land, called the find a "major discovery by all means," but cautioned further research is needed. He said all signs indicate the tomb belongs to Herod, but said ruins with an inscription on it were needed for full verification.

This reminds me of when they found ‘Goliath’ inscribed on pottery from the time of King David. Again and again the people and places of the Bible are proven correct by archaeology. The Bible talks about real people in real places and real events.

There are no historical, archaeological, scientific, or geographic reasons to not believe the account of the Bible as history.Where we can check it, it's always right. Click here to finid out why skeptics don't believe the Bible.