Monday, February 04, 2008

Run to win the prize!

You may disagree with me but I thought last weeks super bowl was one of the best in NFL history. Watching the Patriots get beat and watching Eli Manning join is brother in football immortality was almost as exciting as when the Colts won the super bowl. Did you see it?

Here’s what got me. They presented Eli with the keys to a brand new Cadillac Escalade. Now a loaded Escalade prices out at $69,515. I know that because I looked it up.

But did you notice Manning’s response? Exactly! There wasn’t one……at least not much of one. Not that he was rude. He acknowledged the gift but his mind was on a greater prize. He saw the Vince Lombardi trophy and the joy of being the Super bowl MVP. Besides with his salary and bonuses and his newly found advertising appeal….he could have a dozen Escalades if that’s what he wanted. Who cares about a free car when the real rewards are there for the taking?

Get the picture? You have an inheritance that the Holy Spirit guarantees. Why get wrapped up in the glitz of this world. Paul even makes an athletic distinction in Corinthians. Athletes compete for a perishable wreath but we an imperishable one. Who cares about earthly windfalls when eternal treasures are there for our inheritance?

1 Corinthains 9:25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

-copied. This was sent to me by a Scripturist reader and I pass it on to you. If you missed the thrilling ending to the superbowl feel free to click on the pic and watch the game winning drive.