Saturday, October 06, 2007

Do we have to give to the local church?

Do we have to give our tithes to our local church or can we give it anywhere we want? I know members of our church who currently disagree with how our church leaders are spending funds so they are withholding their tithe or giving it elsewhere. I actually know members who are currently withholding their tithe until a time when they deem fit, saving it in a bank account to draw interest to give at a later date when all is "well" again or to their liking at church. Does the Bible have anything to say about that?

Those who preach the gospel to you have a right to support.

1 Corinthians 9:12-14 “If others have this right of support from you, shouldn’t we have it all the more? But we did not use this right. On the contrary, we put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ. Don’t you know that those who work in the temple get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar? In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.”

How did those who worked in the temple make their living? They ate from the daily sacrifices and lived off the tithe of the people. Well this scripture teaches us that “in the same way” preachers are to make their living today. As Paul said “The worker deserves his wages.” When a man works full time at ministry he has a “right of support from you.” To deprive your minister(s) of that right by giving your tithe to some other group is wrong no matter how worthy the cause. What you give above the tithe is yours to give to whomever you like but from what I read you owe your local preacher(s) a living.

The tithe in the Old Covenant was for paying those who worked at ministry and for meeting the needs of the poor. We see the same exact use for offering money in the New Covenant. Ministry today is to be funded “in the same way.”

Galatians 6:6 “Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor.”

You are not only to share with your instructor a little but in “all good things.” Is a nice home a good thing? Is a reliable newer car a good thing? Is health insurance a good thing? Do the majority of people in your church have those things? IF so than you should be sharing those good things with Him. You should pay him enough to share in all the good things you share in. Preachers should not make less money than the average person (but they do.) Churches can’t afford to pay preachers "all good things" because the priority is on fancy buildings, dozens of missionaries, family life centers, and because the average Christian gives 4% of their income not 10%. When we don’t tithe we are disobeying what God ordained for us to do to fund ministry. And we are robbing those who instruct us in the Word. We owe it to our church and its leaders to fund what they do for us and our families. Ministry should not be a means to great riches but they should be able to make what the average person in the community makes.

When and to whom should you give?

1 Corinthians 16:1-2 “Now about the collection for God’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.”

Notice Paul teaches a universal rule about offerings. He teaches the same thing everywhere. (See 1 Corinthians 4:17) Offering is to be given on the first day of EVERY week. You should give in proportion to how God has blessed you. If you made nothing and have nothing, than you give nothing. If you made a lot and have a lot you should give a lot. Notice we don’t give according to how much we think we need to keep but in proportion to how much we actually made.

We are commanded here to set aside as a group our monies and save them up as a group so that when the urgent need arises for the tithe it can quickly be sent without taking up a special offering. They New Testament never shows anyone saving the tithe up in their own bank account to give only when they want. It teaches that we should give it to the church each week.

What about when a church gives the money to something wrong?

2 John 1:9-11 “Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work.”

There were no motel 6’s “leaving the light on for you” in the first century. There were no Hotels only taverns and brothels. Most traveling ministers made their living by staying in Christians homes while in town preaching and eating their food. Then being given enough money and food to make it to the next town, they moved on and lived by the generosity of the next church. So in 2nd John he is telling them not to welcome in false teachers, support them or fund them. If you do than you share in their wicked work.

So some may say, “I don’t agree with what my church is doing so I am going to give my tithe else where.” That is fine if your church is sinning or teaching false doctrine. But if that is the case you should not even continue to attend there. To not tithe and fund a church but still attend there is a perfect example of being a hypocrite. If it is so bad you can’t fund it or if they are funding evil, than you should not attend church there but find another church which you can attend and fund in good conscience.

However, in most cases were people I have seen stop tithing it’s not over a doctrinal issue or a “thus saith the Lord” command but over matters of petty opinion. When I have seen tithes withheld it’s by petty people voting with their pocket book in some pathetic power play. They are too much of a coward to obey Matthew 18:15-17 and confront leaders with their sin. Instead they withhold money in an unchristian protest to try to manipulate their will upon the leaders. They don’t like the building program, or agree with the youth outreach, or the style of music so they disobey God and rebel against their leaders. Or they have some other petty difference which is not a matter of salvation they use as an excuse to not obey God and give their weekly tithe. This is divisive behavior and should be handled according to the instruction of Titus 3:10.

I even knew of one family so petty and unspiritual that they withheld their tithe because their preacher bought a new car from a car company other than the one this man worked for and so he stopped tithing. Now there is a real Biblical and doctrinal issue worthy of disobeying God's clear commands for! (Note the deep sarcasm)

The point is this….

Your church and preacher minister to you spiritually and you should at least help meet their financial needs. God has so ordained it. The tithe is to go to the funding of ministry and benevolence of the local church. What you give above and beyond 10% is up to you. Support what ever missionary or needy person you want, but give proportionally to your income to the church on the first day of every week. If the church is teaching false doctrine on a salvation issue or funding false doctrine, don’t just stop tithing but also stop going to that church. If you can’t fund it you shouldn’t attend it. If you attend it than you must fund it.