Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Pray for the people in the path of Rita

The Exodus From Texas

We need to be praying for the people in the path of Hurricane Rita. Meanwhile, this is a letter from a preacher in Crowley, LA with an update on helping victims of Katrina.

Hello from LA, Sept. 20, 2005

Your alarm clock rings out a piercing squeal as you open your eyes to another day; you roll over and pick yourself off the floor where you spent your night of rest. You walk to the window pull up the blinds and throw some morning light on your dwelling. Four freshly painted walls stare back at you, a few clothes and a sleeping bag your only possessions lie in a heap on the floor. Yet you are very thankful because you’re out of the shelter and somewhat on your own. This is the scenario in which we are currently working. The phase “I lost everything” is heard hundreds of times a day as pictures and stories bear witness to the real loss many people are experiencing. Their desperation reignites our desire to do as much as we can to help these displaced people. This disaster knows no cultural or economic barriers as the media might like for us to believe. A few days ago I visited with a lady who owns three homes in the New Orleans area and was forced to sign up for food stamps. Her local banks assets were frozen until such time as sufficient records were recovered from their flooded systems to satisfy the regulatory agencies. People who were working three good jobs in the area now have none and are attempting to start again, without tools, paperwork, and other necessities we often take for granted.
I believe I am currently experiencing four of the busiest weeks of my entire life. The Church members here at Forest Park are all working together to pull this relief effort off, and with your generous help we’ve been able to brighten many lives that were devastated. As of this afternoon we have helped nearly fifty families with the necessities they needed to start housekeeping in their new homes. They are financially exhausted trying to secure housing, paying the startup costs, not to mention replacing vehicles lost in the widespread flooding. In addition to these few families hundreds have come to get basic supplies they need for themselves as well as their families.

I cannot thank you enough for all your generous efforts in helping us to assist those in this time of great need. As time permits we are updating the website, , to include more info on our relief efforts. Slideshows of the people we are helping as well as pictures of some of you who made the trek to LA are available as well as new links every day.

Please continue to pray for God’s work here that his name might be praised, and a great work spiritually can be done among these people as well.

Working together for our Lord,
Jason Corder
Forest Park Church of Christ