Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Stem Cells Discovered in Amniotic Fluid But They Still Want To Kill Babies

They have discovered STEM CELLS that are in amniotic fluid which can do just what stem cells from murdered babies (aborted fetus) do. So the debate over stem cells should be over... right? They are easier to get and more plentiful in amniotic fluid so it cost less and no baby (fetus) dies. So problem solved right?

NOOOOO! They still say we should keep researching the ones out of killed babies (aborted fetus) too. You see, this battle for stem cell research is not so much about finding cures for Michael J Fox and others as it is keeping the PROFIT in abortion. Follow the money.

Click here to read this qoute ""While they are fascinating subjects of study in their own right, they are not a substitute for human embryonic stem cells, which allow scientists to address a host of other interesting questions in early human development," said Daley, who began work last year to clone human embryos to produce stem cells."

Why? the stem cells in the fluid are just the same. They do just the same! OH... because you stand to make a lot of money cloning people and killing the cloned fetus (dead baby) to get stem cells to fix peoples health problems.

It's murder incorperated and it's not going out of business just yet.

Is Abortion Murder?

46 Million Babies Died. Learn how they did.