Monday, February 26, 2007

Scientific Proof of the Supernatural

There are two competing views of where mankind came from. One is that we were created by God and the other is that we evolved over billions of years by the unchanging natural processes of the laws of nature.

The Bible teaches that there was a beginning to creation where God supernaturally brought creation and the laws of nature into being. Darwinism teaches complex life evolved as the unchanging laws of nature randomly interacted over billons of years. Creationism requires a beginning of space and time and Darwinism demands that there was no beginning of space and time but that the laws of nature have always existed. Which is true?

Click on the picture to watch a video that proves from science that the Bible was right; there was a beginning to the universe. Even NASA admits that the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate from a finite point at which it began.

The supernatural is something by definition that is outside the laws of nature. One such law of nature is the law of inertia. It teaches that an object not in motion will remain still unless acted upon by an outside force. And an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. That is a law of nature that universally applies to all creation. Now if the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate (and we know it is) then what is causing it? Science calls that "dark energy" and "dark matter" because they don’t' know what is causing it.

If the universe had a beginning (and we know it did from science) then what caused it to start? What put it in motion? According to law of inertia, something had to set it in motion. Creation could not by the very laws of science set it's self in motion. Therefore, there has to be something outside of creation (the laws of nature) that set creation (the laws of nature) in motion. By definition something outside of this creation is something supernatural. Therefore, the laws of science have proven that there is a supernatural realm. Something exists outside of our universe's reality that created and started this universe. There is a supernatural dimension and it has been proven by science.

And not only is there a supernatural realm it obviously set this universe in motion from a finite point and is causing it to expand at an ever increasing speed in defiance to the laws of nature. If there is a supernatural dimension which created this universe and the laws that govern it, then it's not unscientific to believe that these laws could be changed by the one who created them. Therefore, it is not unscientific to believe in God or that Jesus rose from the dead.

Hebrews 11:3 "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

Click here to learn why people don't believe in God.

Click here to learn more about how Science supports a belief in God.